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Université de BordeauxCluster of excellence

Survey about the programmation of the conference cycle

ProgramMonday 20 November 2023 by STRUK Alexandra.
SPARK Europe Webinar Series Fall 2023

SPARK Europe has joint forces for education on translational research and technology transfer! For the fourth time, European SPARK sites will host a joint webinar series during fall 2023. The dates and topics are specified in the flyer of the webinar series .

NEWS/EVENTSMonday 13 November 2023 by STRUK Alexandra. Last update Monday 13 November 2023
Launch of SPARK Bordeaux and beginning of the adventure for the first SPARKees (2020)!

The kick-off meeting of the SPARK Bordeaux programme took place on Thursday, February 20th. It was the opportunity for the SPARK team to gather the first SPARKees of the program and the mentors who will support each team. This meeting officially launches SPARK Bordeaux and is the beginning of an accompaniment for these four innovative, promising and high quality projects. Selected projects...

NEWS/EVENTSThursday 27 February 2020 by ROUDIER Gaëtan. Last update Monday 13 November 2023
Becoming an advisor

Advisors /* cspell:disable-file */ /* webkit printing magic: print all background colors */ html { -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; } * { box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact; } html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } @media only screen { body { margin: 2em auto; max-width: 900px; color: rgb(55, 53, 47); } } body { line-height: 1.5; white-space:...

PartnershipsThursday 20 April 2023 by STRUK Alexandra.

The SPARK Bordeaux call 2020 is now open! Applicants must fill in the fields below and upload their project file before June the 15th, 2020 (midnight). Then, applications will be evaluated by the Selection Committee which will make a preselection. Preselected projects will be invited to make an oral presentation before the Selection Committee, using a predefined format (support provided, 10 minutes for presentation, 10 minutes for questions & answers). Results will be communicated before summer 2020. Particular attention will be paid to projects addressing public health issues or involving vulnerable populations. The project file must be signed by the project leader(s) and the Director of the research unit they are working in. If the project leader is a student, the project file must be signed by the project leader, the co-leader (i.e. the permanent researcher supervising the student) and the Director of the research unit they are working in. The project file template may be downloaded here . The fields marked with an asterisk are compulsory. Contact For any questions relating to the call for projects: spark@u-bordeaux.fr

ProgramMonday 03 December 2018 by CHOISI Mickael. Last update Tuesday 28 March 2023
SPARK Seminar : Intellectual property 2/2le Tuesday 07 April 2020

SPARK Bordeaux Time: April 07, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Topic: Intellectual property Place: Zoom (webinar) Seminars are open to the public by registration only (a link will be sent to you) : spark@u-bordeaux.fr

Wednesday 01 April 2020 by ROUDIER Gaëtan.